
As of Monday morning 6/3, 2019, we have received our C.O. and are allowed to use the new building. We will be worshiping in the new building starting this Sunday 6/9 @ 10:00. There is still quite a bit of “stuff” that needs to be done before we meet Sunday AND as Pastor Tom has mentioned, “This is just the beginning. We are not done.”

This news is bittersweet as Pastor Tom mentioned in his message this past Sunday. Though the building of the new building was done quite expeditiously, the journey to this point has been a long time in the making. About 40 years ago, the UMC churches on the North Fork started to notice and understand the decline in the worshiping community. Talks started as to what could and should be done in the congregations but nothing proceeded. It wasn’t until just recently, 5 years ago, that we started to move forward. It was God’s time for this part of our journey to occur. We stand solidly on the foundation of Jesus Christ but we also “stand on the shoulders” of the saints that have come before us. All the people who have stood firm in the resolve that we, as a body of Christ, WILL NOT let the message that JESUS CHRIST, OUR SAVIOR, is ALIVE and WELL on the North Fork of Long Island fade away.

In the formation of the NFUMC, we remember those who have come before us. Those who built the congregations, that built the buildings, that were sold as each congregation closed. We have heard the story many times before of churches closing due to declining membership and failing buildings , BUT this story was different. To honor God and Give Him glory, This church REFUSED TO DIE. We are humbled by the sacrifices that have been made to get us where we stand today, in the presence of God in this blessed place we call the North Fork of Long Island. We are the North Fork United Methodist Church and we are better together.

May we always go with God!
