We're coming along

It's been a while since I have posted.  The framing is up, and the building is almost completely sheathed (covered in plywood) at this time.  Exterior trim work should be going up soon along with the roofing. Windows are expected to come in in the middle of August and the steeple should be arriving near the end of the month.  Things are moving along nicely so let's keep up the prayers that they continue to do so.  Small glitches and hitches, which are always expected, have occurred but for the most part we are right on course.  Give a great big "Thank You " to God for that.  

People around town are noticing and are commenting (most positive) and are asking questions.  Here is your opportunity to help build the church.  When people ask you how the church is coming along mention the building BUT more importantly mention what the CHURCH is doing.  Talk about worship. Talk about ministries and missions. Talk about visitations. Talk about the food pantry, angel tree, Operation Christmas child, Backpack ministry, Heifer international, the prayer shawl ministry, and all the other works that the CHURCH is doing. Let them know that the NFUMC is here for them. By building this church building, God is giving us the opportunity to build HIS CHURCH.  Let's not miss out on this gift from God.

Prayer request for the day: Prayer of thanks to God for the opportunity He has blessed us with

Prayer quote for the day:  Everything you need for your destiny is within reach. Pray that God will open your eyes to opportunities, people and resources. - Malika Nura
